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Engaged Sweeper
Step 1:

Action: Condition

Step Name: Exists?

ConditionType: File

Path: \\Program Files (x86)\Dell\CommandUpdate

File Name: DellCommandUpdate.exe

Condition: Exists

Step 2:

Action: Installer

Step Name: Install Dell Command Update

Install File: {PackageShare}\\Installers\DellCommandUpdate\Dell-Command-Update_0NJ7C_WIN_3.1.0_A00.EXE

Parameters: /silent /accepteula

Success Codes: 0,1641,3010

Action on Success: Stop (Success)

Action on Failure: Stop (Failure)

Results: Fails

Can someone check over my settings to make sure i am doing this correctly.
Honored Sweeper
Are you sure you're using the correct command line?

Seems to indicate a different command line.

Also, Step 1 is looking for a different executable name vs step 2 the install.
Engaged Sweeper
I was able to create a bat file and now i want to do a silent install is there a way to do that.
Engaged Sweeper
Here is the results that is telling me

Result: Deployment ended: The environment is incorrect. Stop(Failure). Credential: (swacu\lansweeper). ShareCredential: (swacu\swacuadmn).
Command: "\\dal12-ls-1\DefaultPackageShare$\Installers\DellCommandUpdate\Dell-Command-Update_0NJ7C_WIN_3.1.0_A00.EXE" /silent /accepteula
Honored Sweeper
Does it say which step its failing on?

One thing I see is the \\ at the {PackageShare} command.

Does the same said command line work in DOS?

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