Hi, we have enable the intune scanning, to get all our mobile devices into lansweeper.
Now I can see all our mobile devices in lansweeper and get some informations.

We would like to have a device <> user link.
As we can see in the screenshot, we got a info about "the last user" on this android device. When I click on the user, we come to the ad user info page, where I can see all my logged in computers and ad groups. But why can't I see the mobile device? Lansweeper know the last user, so it would be very nice to see the mobile device on the user page.
At microsoft intune dashboard, I can see more informations about my mobile device, for example the intune registration profile, that was enroll to the mobile devices. I miss that info on the lansweeper site. What can I do, to get that information also in lansweeper?