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Engaged Sweeper II
Hi All,

I was wondering if I could get some guidance on the lansweeper software. I work in IT on a team which uses this software to do some reporting on equipment and identify equipment within the company. There were some problems I'm hoping could be clarified. Lansweeper is extremely useful and I know we've probably barely scratched the surface.

Our company would like to identify who has what equipment within the company. I know lansweeper can already do this but I'm wondering if there's a more narrowed approach to this.

Is there a way to "checkout" equipment to specific users? There can be some confusion on lansweeper reporting if the asset is being used by multiple people.

Also, is there a way to set custom status fields for assets? For example, if a user is termed and the asset (computer) needs to be re-imaged it could be set to "imaging" status in which a report could be run and identified.

It would also be great to have a "deployable" status in which we could set across locations for assets in stock and ready to be deployed within each location. This would be wonderful for reporting.

Thank you in advance!
Lansweeper Alumni
Custom asset states can be created under Configuration\Asset Pages, as esr indicated as well, and you could use asset/user relations to "check out" equipment. This feature is documented here and allows you to specify that asset A was borrowed by user A on December 3rd for instance, then borrowed by user B on December 6th...

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Engaged Sweeper II

I have made a system like that for our company. The trick was to udnerstand how the widgets in LS and built anbd how LS uses the SQL database. When you get thoose clues you can make a website wich uses a barcode scanner and barcodes on the computers to to register wich user has wich computer 🙂

A good tip to get started is to start do figure out how to make custom Lansweeper widgets and then work your way from there. I did it in about 1 week with some previous coding experience.
Lansweeper Alumni
Custom asset states can be created under Configuration\Asset Pages, as esr indicated as well, and you could use asset/user relations to "check out" equipment. This feature is documented here and allows you to specify that asset A was borrowed by user A on December 3rd for instance, then borrowed by user B on December 6th...
Champion Sweeper
There are a couple of options you may find helpful-

The following two things both produce results visible on an Asset's page-

Under Configuration>Asset Pages you will find Asset States. There are 9 different default entries already in place, and you can add custom asset states which could address some of your goals.

Further down that same page you will find the ability to define 20 custom fields which can be titled and populated as you see fit. We use these for a variety of reasons, including having some common/frequent need information readily at hand, such as the TeamViewer ID, our internal OS Image version, target refresh date etc.