I had the same issue with some actions (Reboot and Shutdown in particular). Whatever I tried nothing happened when I clicked any of these.
The problem is not the LS-extension itself but the way it runs these commands.
If you click let's take shutdown for example, the console sends the command to your local commandline to execute.
However as my account is not a domain admin the command fails (error code 5 blabla...access denied).
I tried to run it in a fresh commandline window using runas and my domain admin account, surprise it worked.
Now a further issue I had with runas is that it accepts a user name but no password.
So I used psexec and changed the command in the action settings from "shutdown -s -m \\{smartname}" to "psexec -u Domain\Admin -p Password shutdown -s -m \\{smartname}".
I could as well just use "runas /user /savecred" to save the password after first use of the action or only "runas /user" and enter it every time but that was no option for me.
Having the password entered in plain text for sure isn't ideal as well but the ones having access to these commands are my co-workers from the IT so I think that shouldn't be an issue as long as I make sure that noone else has access to this commands.