here are my debugging steps, maybe will help some one.
1. on test machine open "Task Scheduler" -> "Task Scheduler library"
2. on lansweeper run "Lansweeper Connection tester" (C:\Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Actions\Devicetester.exe)
3. Run "Test Connection" -> In moment of "Checking Task Scheduler" on test machine press F5 -> If target receives commend you will see for a moment "Deployment Connectiontester" -> Firewall & services on client == OK
3.1. To additionally confirm, that firewall & services on target is OK On lansweeper server open "Task Scheduler" -> "Connect to Another Computer..." and try to connect to target test PC, and add some task
4. On target computer run Firefox -> on lansweeper server CMD:
schtasks /create /s nb-mojstermiha /tn test_firefox /tr "taskkill /im firefox.exe /f" /u "domain\lansweeper.admin" /p "lansweeperuserpassword" /sc ONCE /st 10:00 /sd 22.01.2021
(change to corect date and time some minutes ahead, nb-mojstermiha was my test PC)If it works the Firefox on target will be killed and taks will appear and stay on target computer
5. repeat 4. but now run CMD as admin, then as lansweeper user
More about schtask: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/schtasks-createOn 5. I found out, that wont work if I run the CMD under different user that is not admin -> if lansweeper is ruining under non admin user it probably can't execute the command (the test service Devicetester.exe is typicality run as logged in user )
After changing "services" -> "lansweeper server" to run as lansweeper user deployment it starter working and logs filling.
What GPO in our ~10years old domain makes this I don't know.