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‎09-14-2018 04:42 PM
‎09-20-2018 06:24 PM
Charles.X wrote:
Those references are unfortunately outdated and were based on information available at the time. At the time, the plan was to continue version numbering with 6. Which is why you see the references to 6.1 and 6.2.
Along with the development cycle, the version numbering was also revised. Lansweeper 7 kind of marks the beginning of both of these as we're now on a spring and fall release schedule. The features included in Lansweeper 7 were just some of the features that were are the top of the list.
I can't really say what will be in the spring release, as the development process of that update is only just starting. Generally speaking the highest requested features tend to get development priority.
‎09-21-2018 10:49 AM
Teebs88 wrote:
Are linked/parent-child tickets anywhere on the roadmap? This is a pretty common feature in most helpdesk software and I'm genuinely surprised it hasn't been added yet, community demand or not.
‎02-26-2019 01:45 PM
Esben.D wrote:Teebs88 wrote:
Are linked/parent-child tickets anywhere on the roadmap? This is a pretty common feature in most helpdesk software and I'm genuinely surprised it hasn't been added yet, community demand or not.
I wish I could give you specifics, at the moment, we're only just starting to assemble and scope out the features that we might put in the spring release. The development team has to carefully scope out every feature to determine how long development will take and which features we will have time for to implement.
‎09-19-2018 09:02 PM
‎09-17-2018 10:41 AM
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