Does anybody know a reason why we have multiple identical software appearing on our computers installed soft page (softcomp.aspx)?
Example with Onedrive of one computer, some cutted results (sry for no screenshot):
Installed software
Software Version Publisher Install Date Export to Excel Export to CSV Export to XML
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.220.1024.0005 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.220.1024.0005 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.220.1024.0005 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.220.1024.0005 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.230.1107.0004 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.230.1107.0004 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.230.1107.0004 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.245.1128.0002 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.245.1128.0002 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.245.1128.0002 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.245.1128.0002 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.245.1128.0002 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.245.1128.0002 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.245.1128.0002 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
Google software Unrated Custom (non-MSI) installer Microsoft OneDrive 21.245.1128.0002 Microsoft Corporation This software is not installed for the whole computer but only for specific user accounts on the computer.
another topic I tried to check for a reason with following query I found there:
Select Top (1000) tblSoftware.SoftwareID,
From lansweeperdb.dbo.tblSoftware
Left Join tblSoftwareUni On tblSoftware.softID = tblSoftwareUni.SoftID
Where tblSoftware.softwareVersion = '21.230.1107.0004'
Edited Result shows many useless softwareID's are being created for the same version:
SoftwareID SoftID SoftwareName SoftwarePublisher SoftwareVersion Installdate LastChanged CurrentUser MSI
SoftwareID SoftID SoftwareName SoftwarePublisher SoftwareVersion Installdate LastChanged CurrentUser MSI
1360161 4191 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 21.230.1107.0004 01/02/2022 07:32:07 True False
1360169 4191 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 21.230.1107.0004 01/02/2022 07:55:56 True False
1360175 4191 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 21.230.1107.0004 01/02/2022 08:00:12 True False
1360178 4191 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 21.230.1107.0004 01/02/2022 08:01:47 True False
1360181 4191 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 21.230.1107.0004 01/02/2022 08:31:52 True False
1360183 4191 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 21.230.1107.0004 01/02/2022 08:35:19 True False
1360186 4191 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 21.230.1107.0004 01/02/2022 08:44:49 True False
1360192 4191 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 21.230.1107.0004 01/02/2022 09:28:10 True False
1360201 4191 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 21.230.1107.0004 01/02/2022 10:09:31 True False
1360211 4191 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 21.230.1107.0004 01/02/2022 10:28:14 True False
1360217 4191 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 21.230.1107.0004 01/02/2022 10:38:09 True False
1360225 4191 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 21.230.1107.0004 01/02/2022 10:39:23 True False
1360230 4191 Microsoft OneDrive Microsoft Corporation 21.230.1107.0004 01/02/2022 10:49:22 True False
This only happens with soft installed for "current user" only.
And there seems to be a little too many repetitions with same version that would explain it's for each user account on a computer.
We use lansweeper v9.1.0.9 and lsagent atm to scan our computers. But this has been going on for multiple version updates yet. Cannot define since when, sadly.