Hi Diego,
I was testing out the vulnerabilities API, seems like the pagination isn't properly working or maybe I'm understanding it incorrectly.
For example, here's the response I'm receiving from the endpoint:
"data": {
"site": {
"vulnerabilities": {
"total": 4550,
"pagination": {
"limit": 1,
"current": "eyJvZmZzZXQiOjAsInRvdGFsUmVzdWx0cyI6NDU1MH0=",
"next": "eyJvZmZzZXQiOjAsInRvdGFsUmVzdWx0cyI6NDU1MH0=",
"page": "FIRST"
The current and the next are the same value? How would I change cursor to go to the next page?
In your documentation it also shows your current and next values are the same as well:

I can't seem to find a proper way of paginating although for assets it's working fine. Can you verify this? Thanks