Lansweeper does two things:
- Scan the anti-virus status, i.e. enabled/disabled and up-to-date/not up-to-date. This information is solely pulled from WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), a protocol built into Windows computers. The AntiVirusProduct WMI class we pull the status information from doesn't exist on Server operating systems, so the anti-virus status of servers cannot be scanned.
- Scan the anti-virus installations on the machine. To detect anti-virus installations, Lansweeper checks WMI, but it also compares the computer's installed software with a list of known anti-virus software found in the Configuration\Anti-Virus section of the console. Your servers' anti-virus installations should be detected if the anti-virus software is listed in the servers' Software tabs and part of the list of known anti-virus software under Configuration\Anti-Virus. If the software is in the Software tab, but not in the anti-virus list, you can manually add it to the list.
More information on how Lansweeper scans anti-virus information, and how you can resolve false positives, can be found in
this knowledge base article.