Hi Peter
Here is the SQL Code to export your Tickets from OTRS:
SELECT article.ticket_id, article.a_subject, article.a_body, article.create_time, article.a_from, ticket.customer_user_id, ticket.customer_id, ticket_priority.name, ticket_state.name, queue.name, article.a_cc
FROM article
RIGHT JOIN ticket ON (ticket.id = article.ticket_id)
RIGHT JOIN ticket_priority ON (ticket_priority.id = ticket.ticket_priority_id)
RIGHT JOIN ticket_state ON (ticket_state.id = ticket.ticket_state_id)
RIGHT JOIN queue ON (queue.id = ticket.queue_id)
ORDER BY article.ticket_id
I recommend to work at the beginning with the limit Function... You need to modify the csv file just like the csv import Template from Lansweeper.