We recommend you ask your security team to whitelist the entire %Appdata% folder so you can make sure you allow for read and write access to your machines' %AppData% folder.
Thank for the Clue, do you know the exactly path in appdata and the .exe file running from Appdata? i suspect that my Security Team created a GPO to blocked it.
if i get the .exe file and full path. i may request my security team to whitelist this for me. i already allowed the C:\Program File (x86)\LansweeperRC\*.* but still not working.
The issue you are facing is usually due to one of the following causes:
Something blocking access to the AppData folder on the machine starting the session. Remote Control is based on a third-party tool, UltraVNC, and UltraVNC adds configuration files to the AppData folder of the source machine upon starting the Remote Control session. We recommend that you allow for read and write access to your machines' AppData folder. Also, make sure no anti-virus or other software is blocking the LsRemote tool on the target computer. Another
VNC server already running on the target machine. This will cause a conflict. Make sure there's no process called "vncserver.exe" is already running on the target machine prior to starting the Remote Control session.
More general information and requirements to run the LsRemote tool can be found in this knowledge base article: https://www.lansweeper.com/kb/106/running-the-remote-control-action.html.