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Engaged Sweeper III
Maybe I'm missing something here but my installation of Lansweeper appears to be lying to me. Our server cleanup settings are set to 'Permanently delete assets not seen in the last 60 days'. However, I have a number of assets that are much older that are still showing in Lansweeper. For example, one such asset has the following info:

First seen: 17/01/2014
Last seen: 15/08/2016
Last tried: 04/03/2018

Why is this still in the Lansweeper DB? Am I missing something here? The IP of the machine is pingable as it's on a DHCP range but that machine no longer exists - as per the info given by Lansweeper.

Any help appreciated!

Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
It depends on the scanning method used to scan the asset.

If you are using an IP Range scanning target. You will either have to make sure that all the assets being assigned an IP in the DHCP scope are scannable. If they can be scanned, Lansweeper will know its not that same asset and will not update the last tried.

An alternative is to exclude the ip address from being scanned. More info about excluding assets can be found here:

If the asset is being scanned by Active scanning a.k.a. Active Directory domain scanning. You will have to find out why the asset is still logging onto the domain controller. Only when an asset is logging onto the domain controller, will the active directory scanning trigger a scan.
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
doone128 wrote:
Last tried: 04/03/2018

This will be your issue. A last tried indicates that a scan attempt was done. To view what kind of scanning target tried to scan the asset you can navigate to the Scan Time tab on the asset's page.

Mike's suggestions is also a good one as this will prevent any cleanup options from taking affect.
MikeHenson wrote:
Not sure if this will help. When you click on the asset, and then click Edit Asset is the "Not affected by cleanup options" checkbox ticked?

Just to give some additional information about the cleanup options:

The option Set assets to non-active if not seen in the last XX days, for example. If you have configured this interval to 30 days, the assets that have not been seen in the last 30 days will be set to non-active, with not seen we mean:
  • The assets have not been successfully scanned in the last 30 days, this means that the Last Seen date (tblAssets.Lastseen) needs to be older than 30 days.
  • The assets have not reported to a domain controller in the last 30 days, this means that the Last Active Scan date (tblAssets.LastActiveScan) needs to be older than 30 days.
  • The assets have not been seen in the network in the last 30 days by IP Range Scanning, i.e. Lansweeper has not seen assets with that IP and open ports in the network. This means that the Last IP Range Scan date (tblAssets.LastIPScan) needs to be older than 30 days.
All of the dates need to be older than 30 days before the asset cleanup option will be triggered. The delete asset cleanup options works identical to the set to non-active option.

If the asset is completely disconnected from the network, It should not be able to be picked up by any scanning target as it cannot respond to a ping or log onto the domain controller.
Engaged Sweeper III
Charles.X wrote:
doone128 wrote:
Last tried: 04/03/2018

This will be your issue. A last tried indicates that a scan attempt was done. To view what kind of scanning target tried to scan the asset you can navigate to the Scan Time tab on the asset's page.

Oh, so how do I get around this then? If the asset is dead but another machine is using it's IP due to low DHCP IP lease time, how can our old assets get removed? Shouldn't this go from the 'last seen' date? The scans we use are AD as well as full subnet scans so I can't see a way around this?

I haven't got the tick in the asset so it's all good from that point of view.
Engaged Sweeper II
Not sure if this will help. When you click on the asset, and then click Edit Asset is the "Not affected by cleanup options" checkbox ticked?