The easiest and most flexible way would be to use the deployment feature. This allows you to define Installers, scripts, commands to be executed on your client computers. You don't need psexec in this case as deployment packages will be executed directly on the client machines. For details on how to create a deployment package, please refer to
this article. For instructions on how to deploy it, refer to
this article.
On the other hand, if you would like to use an asset action, which gets executed on the computer you are using to open the web console:
- Place your vbs script into your Lansweeper actions folder (Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Actions by default, but you can configure another one under Configuration\Asset pages)
- Under Configuration\Asset pages, section Asset actions, create a new asset action which calls the script you would like to execute
- Afterwards you will be able to use the asset action on the asset pages of your computers.