I wish it was just the queue going up and not clearing. This is with absolutely nothing in the scanning queue, nothing select to scan, just starting the service up.
Support did get back to me and have me run a query, since there was a known issue about a FK relation not working, but that didn't solve our issue at all.
So if you check your error log under Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Service\errorlog.txt and see:
"The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_tblLinuxSoftware_tblSoftwareUni"
in it with a stacktrace, run this SQL using SQL Management Studio, or the Query Tab of the DatabaseMantenance.exe under the tools directory:
USE lansweeperdb
DELETE FROM tblServicesUni WHERE ServiceuniqueID IN (
SELECT ServiceuniqueIDFROM tblServicesUni
WHERE ServiceuniqueID NOT IN (select ServiceuniqueID
FROM tblServicesGROUP BY ServiceuniqueID)