Thanks for the reply back.
After re-adding them to the scan, it seems that the most are up to date. But I have one that I know is bad. The information in the DC and DC2 says "Last logon: 03/10/2021 21:32:44 (GMT)" which is correct. Even in LanSweeper, under the user profile, it has the correct time and date. But when I run any report against it, it returns a 2/26 date for the one user while all my other users are fine.
Select Top 1000000 A.Username, A.logontime
From tblCPlogoninfo A Inner Join (Select b.Username,
Max(b.logontime) As logontime
From tblCPlogoninfo As b
Group By b.Username) As B On A.Username = B.Username And
A.logontime = B.logontime
It seems that the Last Logon found within the User is different than this logon to a PC.
I am looking for the Last Logon under the User, then click Under the Audit tab. There it lists "State, Last Logon, Password Last set, password required, password never expires, password expiration date and password changeable"
This is the Last Logon that I want to report on.