Hi, I am having the same issue and have also turned off SCCM scanning for the same reason but would like to have it on so we can maximize the value of our investments in lansweeper and SCCM. SCCM keeps a number of independent timers for when devices check in with SCCM such as when they request policy, do a client heartbeat, or upload hardware or software scan results. Devices that don't check in can go inactive exactly the same way they do in lansweeper. The problem with SCCM scanning is that lansweeper doesn't seem to base it's lastseen timestamp on any of these timers. An my case all devices that are in SCCM were updated in lansweeper with the timestamp that the lansweeper server queried SCCM. This is patently absurd as if the device hasn't been seen by SCCM for over a month we don't want lansweeper saying it has been seen in the last few minutes. Can the logic here be changed, or can we be given a check button to just say do not update the lastseen timestamp on anything relating to the SCCM scan?