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Engaged Sweeper II

Why does the Last successful scan and Last Scan attempt always show the exact same date and time?  I understand the scan attempt, but the for a scan to be successful it needs to completed - which when a do a manual Rescan, does take some time to complete.  This value is very important if you have a back log of scans.

Can we get the "Last successful scan" to reflect that actual time the scan ended?


LS Scan time.jpg

Lansweeper Tech Support
Lansweeper Tech Support

If your assets get successfully scanned, both dates will be equal. However, there could be cases where they are scanned but with scanning issues or errors. In that case, the scan attempt will have a date, and the Last successful could be on "Never". 
Also when a scan is triggered, with an AD scan for example, and the asset is offline, this could result as well in different "Last Successful" and "Last Scan attempt"

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