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Engaged Sweeper II
Noticed that a number of our assets were remaining active and also asset reports using tblAssets.Lastseen were showing todays date, even when an asset had been decommissioned or offline for several weeks. The timestamp matches the last SCCM scan time. Had assumed Lansweeper would have based it on SCCM client activity (software or hardware scan dates). I've now disabled SCCM scanning and changed the reports to use either tbleAssets.LastLsAgent or tblAssets.LastActiveScan (see below) until tblAssets.Lastseen starts displaying the last active scan info.
When IsDate(tblAssets.LastLsAgent) = 1 And IsDate(tblAssets.LastActiveScan)
= 0 Then tblAssets.LastLsAgent
When IsDate(tblAssets.LastActiveScan) = 1 And IsDate(tblAssets.LastLsAgent)
= 0 Then tblAssets.LastActiveScan
When tblAssets.LastLsAgent > tblAssets.LastActiveScan Then
When tblAssets.LastActiveScan > tblAssets.LastLsAgent Then
Else ''
End As [Last Scan Date]
Champion Sweeper
I discovered a similar issue (Last Seen updates based off of SCCM) with SCCM integration in Lansweeper v8.x. If I recall correctly, this was tracked by Lansweeper as LAN-4040 and was targeted for resolution a year ago, but I haven't seen it pop up in any release notes.

So we stopped using SCCM scanning in Lansweeper almost immediately after starting, which was a shame because I spent about 18 months troubleshooting with Lansweeper to get SCCM integration going in v7.x & 8.x.