A number of customers recently asked us the same question about using a zip file in the ServiceNow Service Graph Connector.
As such, I thought I'd give a quick overview of the integration and its use of a zip file.
- The integration uses the bulk export mechanism (API) (see Get data | Documentation – Lansweeper)
- This means that when the Service Graph Connector initiates the data transfer to ServiceNow the first step is to perform a bulk export which places the data in a zip file hosted on an S3 bucket (the file is time-limited)
- In ServiceNow we attach the data zip file as "response_body.zip" to the data source "SG-Lansweeper Raw Assets." A record will be created in the "sys_attachment" table.

- Once the load is complete we delete this attachment record using a script that executes during the 'SG-Lansweeper Raw Assets' scheduled data import run. As a result, the attachment is removed from the 'sys_attachment' table (a few people have commented that they couldn't see in the sys_attachment table).

Hopefully this helps give an understanding of how it works.
From a security perspective, it is normal for ServiceNow to virus scan files less than <100mb and I don't believe any customer is creating files of that size (it would get caught in the setup step where you set the file size of an unzipped file to 100mb).
Hopefully, this information is helpful.