NO, if you rely on the unofficial 10% overage on assets as we do between renewals.
This has been removed as part of the upgrade, instead of now allowing you to go up to 10% over the number of assets you are registered for it stops working at the no.
My Network continues to grow, I was relying on being able to 'true up' in the MS sense at the end of a year's usage. NOW prices have skyrocketed, and they insist every asset you are scanning is accounted for in terms of licenses.
I now have to aggressively manage assets in the database removing any that are over 30 days unseen in order to be able to continue using LanSweeper (a great tool BTW), as I cannot continually go back to finance saying I need to spend more money on this...
I've had conversations with Lansweeper, but they seem to be immovable on this point.
The change in licensing terms when moving to LS7 needs to be spelled out before you move to it.