I have had Splunk Cloud implamented for about a year. We recently implamented Lansweeper in november of 2023. We started with on prim and have since moved to Lansweeper on cloud. At that point I installed the Lansweeper Add-On for Splunk and Lansweeper app for splunk and proceeded to configure the API. I have data hiting our proper splunk instance and can see events coming from Lansweeper but for some reason not all asset data seems to be coming over. For example I can see events for a computers monitors but I don't see an event for that actual computer. I also can see some events for some computers just not all. I have events for roughly 14% of our workstations. I also have 2.82GB of lansweeper data coming over. So it seems like the connection is working just not all of the data is flowing.
Thanks for any help in advanced!