I don't have a Surface table to test with at the moment, but portable battery and chassis details are pulled from the Win32_PortableBattery and Win32_SystemEnclosure WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) classes on the client machine itself. You can use
our database dictionary to determine where specific data is read from.
Most likely, the aforementioned WMI classes themselves are not returning the information, which is something we can do nothing about. Perhaps
a WMI repair will help. I'm not sure whether there are alternate classes we can get the data from. To verify what WMI is returning directly on the client machine, you can run "wmic path <name WMI class>" on the machine, e.g.:
c:\>wmic path Win32_SystemEnclosure
Win32_SystemEnclosure returns a number for the chassis type. The "translation" of these numbers can be found in
this Microsoft article.