windowsuser15 wrote:
I can't seem to find an outgoing email template to allow notifications to be sent to all agents when a ticket has been assigned. We get a number of tickets that come in over the weekend and have no idea if a ticket is assigned unless we log into the portal.
I swear I was just coming here to ask about this as well. We've been using LS for almost 2 years now and this still hasn't been implemented. We came from Spiceworks and they are able to do it, why not LS? Lets get this working please. VERY frustrating logging into the portal to see if it has been assigned.
To piggyback on this, I am still not finding the option to assign the ticket to an agent when responding to a ticket via email instead of the portal. This makes it even more difficult because any response from the user goes unnoticed until someone picks up the ticket. From the portal.