I apologize if I came across as snarky; that was not my intention. I was simply hoping for a more definitive answer. And while, yes, I could open a support ticket, I thought this may actually be an interesting topic for discussion here.
I have seen the article you reference (and agree that Esben is a super-nice guy), and in fact I have used this as a reference internally to inform our IS staff of how Lansweeper works. But I have found that the values in the 'Windows computers logged onto" doesn't exactly line up. In fact, I did some verification today just to confirm.
In this case, I checked the my own account in Lansweeper and looked at the 'Windows computers logged onto' information. It indicated that I had logged into three servers today; I have, in fact, not logged into any of these servers today. I have checked the event logs on our DCs to confirm, and they do not show any evidence of my logging in to any of those systems today, in any way. I checked that 'Lastlogondate' for one of those servers in AD, and it showed that the last logon on that server was from two days ago. Since we have a strict forced logoff after inactivity policy, I know that I was not 'logged on' when this server was scanned today. So, the question remains ... what exactly does the 'Logon' date represent here? It is not the most recent scan time of the asset, and it does not represent a real login time for the user, so what does it represent?
This may sound pedantic, and I accept that. My point isn't to find the real login times for a user or system; we have lots of tools to do that, and I have made our staff know that Lansweeper is NOT a tool for that sort of data. Rather, my intention is to see if anyone has a more definitive answer we could pass on to Lansweeper, possibly as an enhancement. Currently, the data shown in this box is confusing and possibly misleading, and I'm looking for opportunities to see what we can improve.
I should probably mention that we are running v11.1.10.5, so this is recent information.