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Engaged Sweeper
A lot of the reports that have been created on our network have this code in them: tblAssets.Assettype = -1
I'm new to LanSweeper so I tried looking in the table to see what it meant, but it just says int, for integer, so I was not expecting a negative number. I have looked at the Asset Mapping section, but this shows different devices and does not show an integer value. If tblAssets.Assettype = -1 means all Assettyes, as I suspect it does, why not leave it out of the WHERE altogether? Can anyone enlighten me as to what it means in the context below.

Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblRegistry On tblAssets.AssetID = tblRegistry.AssetID
Where tblRegistry.Regkey Like '%internet explorer' And
tblRegistry.Value Like 'Version' And tblAssets.Assettype = -1
Order By tblAssets.AssetName

Honored Sweeper II
When you've got the report editor open, click on the "View Database Documentation" link to the right of the report title text box.

Locate tblAssets and you'll see a list of the fields in the table. You'll notice that AssetType references tsysAssetTypes.AssetType.

Add tsysAssetTypes to your report (it will link on the AssetType field). Add tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeName to your report and you'll see the description associated with the value.

When you do the above, you'll find that AssetType -1 refers to Windows assets.

View solution in original post

Honored Sweeper II
When you've got the report editor open, click on the "View Database Documentation" link to the right of the report title text box.

Locate tblAssets and you'll see a list of the fields in the table. You'll notice that AssetType references tsysAssetTypes.AssetType.

Add tsysAssetTypes to your report (it will link on the AssetType field). Add tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeName to your report and you'll see the description associated with the value.

When you do the above, you'll find that AssetType -1 refers to Windows assets.
RC62N wrote:
You'll notice that AssetType references tsysAssetTypes.AssetType.

Indeed it does. But it doesn't say what the values are, nor does it suggest, as you helpfully did , that you need to add it to a report to get any idea what the values are associated with. Not very clear . I'll give it a try and see what comes out.

Thanks for your assistance.

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