‎05-23-2019 12:22 PM
UPDATE [tblAssetCustom]
SET [State] = 2
SELECT [tblAssets].[AssetID] FROM [tblAssets]
INNER JOIN [tblAssetCustom] on [tblAssets].[AssetID] = [tblAssetCustom].[AssetID]
WHERE [Assettype] = -1 AND [Lastseen] < (GETDATE() - 30)
AND [State] = 1
‎05-30-2019 04:34 PM
MikeT wrote:
Susan.A, I think it may help to explain to your development team why that workaround does not meet our use case...
We are busy each month ensuring that several thousand windows assets receive monthly updates and other critical patches. When our regional teams are chased up for outstanding machines not yet patched they may realise that an asset has been taken out of use temporarily and the AD account is then disabled. This action needs to be reflected in the reporting within a short period of time - not waiting, say, 30 days to trigger a cleanup in LANsweeper.
Also there are other types of machine that might not be on the network for an extended period - these are exactly the ones we need to chase up to ensure patching, if we allow LANsweeper to remove them automatically from reporting after, say, 30 days , then we would end up with reports that look very good but are actually not showing the unpatched machines which are still enabled in AD and could be returned to the network at any time.
Hopefully this can be fed into your evaluation process and a hotfix approved more quickly than next major release
‎05-30-2019 02:33 PM
‎05-30-2019 02:31 PM
‎05-30-2019 02:31 PM
‎05-30-2019 02:27 PM
‎05-30-2019 01:01 PM
‎05-29-2019 02:05 PM
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