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Engaged Sweeper II
Anyone figured out how to check warranty for Apple products though lansweeper?

The following web page allows you to enter a serial number:
Engaged Sweeper
Ah ok that makes sense. Thank you for explaining that.
Lansweeper Alumni
As explained in a previous post, you cannot force Lansweeper to scan the warranty information of unsupported vendors. The warranty scanning procedure is hard coded into the Lansweeper service and cannot be customized. There is no release date for warranty scanning support for Apple machines.

If you implement jfhallee's link in the Asset Manufacturer Support Links section of Configuration\Website Management\Asset Pages, Lansweeper will link the serial numbers listed on your asset pages to the assets' external warranty pages. (Clicking on the asset serial will take you to the page on the Apple website that lists that specific asset's warranty information.) This has absolutely *no* impact on warranty *scanning* however. You *cannot* instruct Lansweeper to scan the warranty details of unsupported vendors.
Engaged Sweeper III
jfhallee wrote:

The above link works if I go to the website and include the serial number but the warranty details in lansweeper are not updating.

Any ideas?

Engaged Sweeper
Any idea on getting this going? what would be the link?

Lansweeper Alumni
You need to use {assettag} in your URL, not {systemsku}. The asset tag is the serial. System SKUs aren't actually scanned for Mac computers.
Engaged Sweeper III
Hi, Ive been able to find how you can use the parameters in the URL for Apple products:


For some reason though it aint working when im putting it in Lansweeper. If I try it over the URL directly in my browser its working.

Any clue?

*Edit: Found that link that gives us an html redirect that makes it work: https://watchmanmonitoring.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200615963-Can-I-link-to-Apple-s-Warranty-St... but I have to admin i'd prefer to have it Apple only link 😉
Lansweeper Alumni
For other (supported) brands, Lansweeper does two things: link an asset page to its corresponding warranty information and scan the warranty information directly from the manufacturer's website. These are two completely separate procedures.
- You can't *link* to specific warranty pages unless the *URL* (not the page) itself accepts the serial (asset tag) as a parameter. If you look at some of the examples found under Configuration/Website Management/Asset Pages, you can see the asset tag (and sometimes model) listed as a parameter in the URL itself.
http://support.lenovo.com/templatedata/Web Content/JSP/warrantyLookup.jsp?sysMachType={model}&sysSerial={assettag}

- The *scanning* procedure would have to be hard coded into the Lansweeper service. This feature was added to our wish list, but we do not have a release date for it.
Engaged Sweeper II
This page does accept a serial number and has no captcha.

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