There's no button for this at the moment - we'll add it to the wish list - but you can use a workaround.
Most automatically generated pages use queries stored in the tsysDBobjects database table, which you can view using the report builder. To see which query a page is reading from, have a look at the URL. The screenshot attached to this post shows a page that reads from web50get1IPlocation.
You can use the queries stored in tsysDBobjects to make new reports, but please
do not make changes to tsysDBobjects itself unless you're intimately familiar with SQL. If you incorrectly edit the table, you'll break your Lansweeper installation. As tsysDBobjects stores many queries, we would also recommend filtering the table to locate specific queries. E.g. run the report below to find web50get1IPlocation’s SQL query.
Select Top 1000000 tsysDBobjects.DBobjName,
From tsysDBobjects
Where tsysDBobjects.DBobjName = 'web50get1IPlocation'