Howdy LS,
Hopefully there is an answer and I just haven't found it searching. The menu pop outs or fly outs slow me down sooo much, if you simply pass over an item while going toward another you will get 5 pop outs on the way that then sit there for 10 seconds or until you fly over something else, but they usually cover exactly what you want to click on...where can this be changed? Menu popup delay. I'm a sole operator here and wasting 20 minutes a day waiting for menus to disappear is frustrating.
On CMMC - we will not go to the cloud due to compliance requirements, will any of the cloud features though port to on-prem? I'm looking at the vulnerability reporting and diagrams mainly. And the dark mode of course...that would be great. Besides that, I wouldn't mind working with you to design Asset Templates, like a NIST 800-171 template that includes custom categories, you know like Configuration Settings Required? or CMMC Designation (CUI, SPA, CRMA..), CMMC Designation Reasoning. That kind of thing. Then you could apply these fields using the template to get different options. Having top level Domains would be great to. Just a heirarchy, Company, Site, Enterprise or Enclave, Domain, VLAN.