Lansweeper wrote:
mikev wrote:
It appears from what I can tell, that if you want to scan *right now*, the free version doesn't allow that, which is kinda lame. Seems you have to wait for some random time/checkin to occur. There is an lstrigger command for pay customers, but nothing for us checking it out.
This is completely untrue, the free version if fully functional.
You need to use lsclient.exe on your clients and the service will scan immediately.
If Lansweeper database contains your computer but no extra information, this means that the service is working but that it is unable to get any info from your computers.
For this use can use the connectiontester to check for permission/firewall problems.
Ahh, interesting. I had just looked at "Lansweeper does not need to install a client on your workstations, all scanning is done through the use of WMI, fileshares and remote registry access." on your front page, and presumed I didn't need to run a client on the workstations.
I looked through the forums, and didn't find, but would suggest, a "sticky" post that answers some basic "how do I run my first scan" type questions. That would be incredibly helpful for folks getting started. Would also make sense to make it a part of the install -- a short "getting started" pdf/read me at the end that gave people the info to get going.
kaarde wrote:
\\server\share$\psexec.exe \\{computer} -u admin -p pass %LOGONSERVER%\NETLOGON\LSclient.exe myserver
This is what i use to do a "Scan Now" on the computer profile page so it pretty much renders lstrigger useless. I run this each time after uninstalling IBM Director and it does the refresh perfectly and in a metter on seconds. If you need help setting it up, msg me and i'll help out
Thanks -- not sure if I'll stick with lansweeper or not, but that's good info to know. For those who may be following this thread -- psexec is a Sysinternals (bought by MS) tools: Google if this is outaded:
You can also download the pstools package which has other incredibly useful utilities.