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Engaged Sweeper
I've been researching the forum for a while now and I don't know if it's because I'm multitasking like crazy today or if I'm just crazy but I can't figure out something. Why aren't any of the fields populating after I do the lsclient myserver? I do that command (obviously putting the server name in place of myserver) and LANSweeper sees the machine but doesn't retrieve any information from it. I can't click any of the links on the action page or anything. I just set this up today so when I say I'm a newb, I mean I'm really a newb.

Lansweeper Alumni
I'll move this to the wishlist
Engaged Sweeper
I also like the Active Scan feature. I may use my site to site VPN to scan a remote subnet and cannot run the client unless it points through the VPN to my server. Most of the end users do not know about the VPN and I also block ports through the VPN. I use Spiceworks but you need to have it at multiple clients and currently, the databases are separate. I actually use it on my laptop to go into a new client, run a quick scan and then create a spreadsheet. I like the way Lansweeper looks and feels on the web page and would love to use it. I do use WSH scripts as login scripts to push printers, etc. as well as qchaining and other things. I would rather not have to add yet another util to a login script.
Lansweeper Alumni
how do i get it to proactively go out and do its work

It does not do this by design.
In an "average" network a lot of windows XP machines are firewalled, misconfigured, ...
With lsclient in a loginscript you can find all these machines (even the firewalled ones) and know which ones are not properly configured. (even if they only come to the network once a month)
Actively scanning is intrusive and misses all devices turned off or firewalled at the moment of scanning.
Engaged Sweeper
Lansweeper wrote:
how do i get it to proactively go out and do its work

It does not do this by design.
In an "average" network a lot of windows XP machines are firewalled, misconfigured, ...
With lsclient in a loginscript you can find all these machines (even the firewalled ones) and know which ones are not properly configured. (even if they only come to the network once a month)
Actively scanning is intrusive and misses all devices turned off or firewalled at the moment of scanning.

And active scanning *finds* "forgotten" machines that no one has logged into for a while. An option for both is ideal. If I want to scan 4,000 machines over a weekend for a new client -- I really don't want to have to log all of them in. I want to active scan.
Engaged Sweeper
I am also testing this product out after seeing it in Windows ITPRO mag. I have installed it on my workstation with SQL 2005 and XP's IIS and it loads fine. For those who cannot login to the console you need to change the servername to your machine that houses the product and the username needs to be either the NT name you are logged in as or, as in my case the SA username and password. I have also set the LANSweeper service to run under a domain admin account on my machine. Now that it is iunstalled, how do i get it to proactively go out and do its work, a la Spiceworks? Is there a user guide somewhere? I do not want to have to use a login script to run this. Thanks.
Engaged Sweeper
Hmm ... I've been absolutetly swamped today migrating exchange servers remotely but I'll try this tomorrow. What's weird though is that the connection tester goes through successfully so I can't imagine it's a firewall problem. Thanks for the help though!
Engaged Sweeper
Still no data, though it said "success" after trying your psexec line...

ErrorLog.txt shows:

6/4/2008 7:12:42 AM : Database connection successful, starting up service

6/4/2008 7:12:44 AM
System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid.
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToString(Object Value)
at Lansweeper31.starter.ScheduleCheck()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Actually got spiceworks working yesterday, with no problems. unfortunately, i'd rather use lansweeper, as i'd rather have my data stored on my server, not theirs, but I guess you can't have it all, right?

Lansweeper's promising, just not there yet for me. Good luck with it.
Engaged Sweeper III
\\server\share$\psexec.exe \\{computer} -u admin -p pass %LOGONSERVER%\NETLOGON\LSclient.exe myserver

This is what i use to do a "Scan Now" on the computer profile page so it pretty much renders lstrigger useless. I run this each time after uninstalling IBM Director and it does the refresh perfectly and in a metter on seconds. If you need help setting it up, msg me and i'll help out
Engaged Sweeper
I'm trying to do the same thing.

It appears from what I can tell, that if you want to scan *right now*, the free version doesn't allow that, which is kinda lame. Seems you have to wait for some random time/checkin to occur. There is an lstrigger command for pay customers, but nothing for us checking it out.

I've added my pc's in and have dropped the check/scan time down to 1 day via the GUI console -- not sure how useful that will be.

For now, however, I'm staring at an unimpressive array of blank pages in the GUI -- disappointing.