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Engaged Sweeper

Hi Community,

We've recently deployed LAN SWEEPER in our environment, and due to a Windows license issue, we want to shift the server from one VM to another. While we plan to maintain the same IP address, we intend to change the server name.

It's worth noting that we also have the LS relay agent installed in our environment.

Our primary question is whether, during the transition from one server to another, the LS relay agent will continue to communicate seamlessly, or if there are specific considerations we need to be aware of.

Your insights and advice on this matter would be highly appreciated.

Best regards,


Champion Sweeper III

I'm pretty sure that when we migrated our Lansweeper to a new server, the LS relay continued to work via the cloud with no issues (at least, I don't remember any).

Our problem was with the direct communication - we weren't able to migrate the IP address (another team had an application that couldn't be moved right away), so we had to edit some of the LsAgent assets manually. A better solution would probably have been to set up an internal DNS entry and modify that as needed...I'll try to remember this when we migrate again in 7 years lol. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @ifthekhar I wonder if its worth reaching out to our support team to follow up for your specific use case, more details can be found here Contact Support - Lansweeper I am also tagging some helpful members in case they can share some insights @Mister_Nobody @KevinA-REJIS @rader @ModelM @Hendrik_VE @julioortiz