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Champion Sweeper
I noticed (and understand why because it is a url process) that presently the rescan option on the left of report output will queue the entire report result but sometimes you might have a filtered subset showing on screen using the column filters.

Any chance it might be able to take active filtering on screen into account?**


**without changing how the url works too much cause we use that to queue rescans with a scheduled task that requests the rescan url for a particular report without really loading a browser
Lansweeper Alumni
We have added your feature request to our customer wish list, but we do not yet have a release date for it.
Champion Sweeper
The suggestion was more to do with dynamic/adhoc filtering of existing reports - but I can appreciate if it is not taken up.

As an example I was using the computers not seen for more than 30 days report and then using the filter narrowed down to a subset of ~15 computers. Using the ping function (which is js) I worked out what was active and then forced a gp update to correct firewall rules etc on those active computers so lansweeper can then scan them properly. But when I then hit rescan it queued all 600+ listed on the unfiltered report 🐵
Lansweeper Alumni
I suggest creating the filter in your actual report sql code.

where field like '%expression%'

This way you can still call the url from your application.