I am looking for some help in getting LANSweeper to pick up our Fortigate firewalls. We have 3 that I'm currently working with, there will be more later once I figure these three out. LS is giving me some basic info for one of the firewalls in our office, but nothing for the second one. It is also giving me nothing for the one in our data center. On one of the problem firewalls, the SNMP agent was off and no community string was set, so that (I thought) explained it, but that seemed to make no difference.
The end game here is that we will be hiring a consultant to run a high end scan on our environment, and I'm trying to use LS to make sure everything is scannable ahead of time to minimize the expense in hours. I'm no super concerned with what LS pulls back for these devices, getting accurate info would be nice, but if it can pick them up at all, the fancy scanner the consultant organization uses should also be able to grab them.