Hi @FGF358 and @Michaelzip0,
Filter vulnerabilities by asset state was enabled back in January thanks to the functions that enable customizable views.
How to apply this filter?
1. Open the advanced filter's configuration modal from the Active vulnerabilities view. You can do this from:
- The action area of the left menu (under the "Customize view" action).
- The button to the right of the local search engine in the upper right corner.

2. Configure your filter criteria:
- Choose the "Asset state" field in the first field dropdown.
- As the operator, select "Equal to".
- Select the asset status value you want to filter by, which is most likely "Active".

3. Apply the filter by clicking on the "Apply" button in the modal's footer. The system will apply the filtering instantly, and you will notice how the counters of how many assets are affected by each vulnerability may have changed. Quickly hover over the advanced filters button in the upper right corner to remember the filter criteria applied.

4. To see the list of vulnerable assets filtered by the selected asset state, click on the vulnerability that interests you from the "Assets" column. An informative banner will remind you that the listing is being affected by a filter.

Bonus tips:
1. You can export the list of assets affected by a vulnerability filtered by an asset state at this time using the "Export view" action that you will find in the left menu.
2. If the query for vulnerabilities affecting only assets of a specific state will be recurring, save your custom view privately to return to it quickly and save time on future occasions.

3. Once the view is saved, you can share it with all or some of your team members.

I hope this information helps you!