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Champion Sweeper
Something for your wishlist:

v5 is a great release but I think it would still be nice to be able to search for assets using only partial computer names or wildcards from the web interface. For example if I type Microsoft in the search box I get results for any piece of software that contains the word Microsoft. But then for example our computers are named a department prefix-numerical asset tag. So say I have a computer named ABC-0123456 and I type 0123456 in the search field I get no results. If I type ABC- in I get a list of hits for every machine that starts with ABC-. This comes up when I know one piece or the other but not the entire computer name.

I know there are other ways to find the machine in Lansweeper, this is no show stopper, but given partial searches work for software it would be nice it if the same was true for computers.

Great product, I'm looking forward to when the info for creating my own widgets comes out.
Engaged Sweeper
You can use %25 to insert a % ina search!
The lansweeper use encoded URL chars to send the searchs to server! 😄

Try: %250123456 for search all computers terminated in 0123456

Lansweeper Alumni
Keep in mind that we don't support making custom changes to the tsysDBobjects queries. Your changes may be overwritten by updates. We will also be unable to provide support if you accidentally break your installation.
Engaged Sweeper II
If you are willing to change the system, and slow down suggestions, you can have it in string search suggestions:

Modify the tsysDBobjects table, for the row where DBobjName = 'web50Quicksearch' and change the Query value so that the first expression of (tblAssets.AssetName LIKE @q) replace the @q with @qf. Note that the Query value contains single quotes so you must double them up to use an Update SQL expression when updating the table something like:

UPDATE [tsysDBobjects]
SET [query] = '<new query>'
WHERE DBobjName = 'web50Quicksearch'

where <new query> is the existing value copied out and modified so the first @q is changed to @qf.

Works pretty fast on our system.

PS You can add an interior wildcard character (I used asterisk) by replacing all the @qf in the query with REPLACE(@qf, '*', '%') - don't forget to double up single quotes if using a SQL update to do this.

PPS If you don't update web50fullsearch similarly, the quicksearch page (when you press enter) won't give the same results as the suggestions.

Engaged Sweeper III
We also desperately need this functionality. Our computer names contain a location and physical asset tag number. When a computer dies, there is no way for us to find the computer name other than to search for the asset tag number that is contained in the computer name, which returns no results 😞
Lansweeper Alumni
arupert wrote:
We also desperately need this functionality. Our computer names contain a location and physical asset tag number. When a computer dies, there is no way for us to find the computer name other than to search for the asset tag number that is contained in the computer name, which returns no results 😞

Please note that you can simply create a report for this. A sample report that searches for partial computer name matches (e.g. "LAN") can be seen below.
Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon,
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Inner Join tsysAssetTypes On tsysAssetTypes.AssetType = tblAssets.Assettype
Where tblAssets.AssetName Like '%LAN%' And tblAssetCustom.State = 1

Lansweeper Alumni
We have added this feature request to our customer wish list.

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