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Forum Posts

Creating a count

I am struggling with editing a report and getting it to create a count of how many assets have each software in my report. I then want to take this and display on my report the software that has 5 or less assets assigned to it and the details of whi...

Some reports shows dublicated assets

Hello everyone,I have a new installation of Lansweeper, the current config looks like this:Automatic scanning of all assets is disabled except printers.All workstations are scanned through LsAgentThere is an issue that some reports show the same asse...

metador by Engaged Sweeper
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Adding "multi-part" Conditions to Reports

I'm building a few reports based on stored inventory vs. deployed inventory.Without getting into the details of the individual reports, I am making simple reports based on 5 separate types of assets (10 reports total = deployed & stored per asset): ...

mhammond by Champion Sweeper
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Looking some help with SQL

I want to delete the Renamed ITORG\SSW0820\1 to BUFFALO\SSW0820\1 comments that are generated when computers are rename. I have a query, but I do not know how to delete the comments. any help would be greatSelect Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tbl...

Richard_A by Engaged Sweeper II
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Report showing only Wi-Fi Devices and MAC addresses

Is there a way to report which devices in Lansweeper have Wi-Fi adapters and show what their Wi-Fi MAC addresses are? This would include Windows, Mac, printers, smartTVs, or anything in Lansweeper that uses Wi-Fi. If that's not possible, is there a w...

Resolved! Tweak LanSweepers Bios Version Audit to show Last Seen

Hello everybody... I need some help here. cannot figure out why it wont let me add Last Seen to the report. It keeps giving me an error "All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT ope...

Tythesly by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! Patch Volume Across Fleet

Hi, I can't work out how to create a report for the number of patches applied over the past year. This is just a calculation of applied patches on all Windows systems.Any thoughts?Appreciate the help!Darren