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Resolved! Last used system of users in a specific OU

Hello,I am having issues creating a report.What I would like is a report of the computers/systems used by users in a specific OU.So far example a list of all the users in a specific AD OU with the last system they logged on to.How can I create a repo...

Resolved! Trying to display different versions of software

Here is my code so far, I copied it and thought I could just add to it to ask for columns at the top, software name and versionSelect Top 1000000 tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon, tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetUnique, tblAssets.AssetName...

Tholmes by Engaged Sweeper III
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Switch & Port reports - SNMPInfo tables missing info

Hi,So I used the report found here as base...And found out there are *some* assets, that are missing from the report,more specifically information is missing in the tblSNMPAssetMac and tblSNMPInfo tables.Yet when you go to the asset's page in the we...

Maxlieb by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Webcam report, the wrong way

And then when I view it, I have to sort the view by manufacturer, type in Logitech and get all the Logitech webcams in there. Have I gone round this a long convoluted way, or is this the best?Is there a way for me to just have the Logitech sorted on ...

Tholmes by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! zerologin posted report

the report, as posted to your page shows assets that are marked with status other than active...such as destroyed, in-active etc. when one has a lot of assets in the report these should likely get filtered out so the active ones get priority in patch...

AZHockeyNut by Champion Sweeper III
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Need help finishing a report for Failed Logons

The report I have works great (I got it from here)!! However, I would like it to show only findings with "Unknown user name or bad password." as the reason.Any help is VERY much appreciated!-JasonSelect Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.Asse...

Russian in Report

Hi! How to use Russian in reports?For example:Select Top 1000000 tblADusers.Userdomain + '\' + tblADusers.Username As Displayname, tblADusers.Username, tblADusers.Userdomain, tblADusers.Name, 'usersm.png' As icon, tblADusers.IsEnabled As Enable...