Using this report it lists servers that have Crowdstrike installed as not having virus protection. Why is that and is there a way for us to correct the built in report? Thank you in advance.
Hellois it possible to have an assets report of all devices in my network that have a custon TCP/IP port open (i.e. all devices with TCP/IP port 102 open)
Hi Everyone,I'm looking for a way to exclude drive letters from specific assets to they don't show up in our daily reports. In our case, we monitor certain drives in another application and don't need the noise in our Lansweeper reports. I setup a Cu...
Hello all!I have a report that show me computer list with their tblTPM.SpecVersion.But the report doesn't show me computers with NO tblTPM.SpecVersion. It only show computers with a tblTPM.SpecVersion.I would like to see all computers with or withou...
I found this report which is how I want it to look.Select Top 1000000 tsysAssetTypes.AssetTypeIcon10 As icon,tblAssets.AssetID,tblAssetCustom.PurchaseDate As [Purchase Date],Year(tblAssetCustom.PurchaseDate) As [Purchase Year],Year(tblAssetCustom.Pur...
I'm using this report to show me all our windows servers and their used disk size. The sizes show from independent disks. The only way to consolidate is to export to excel and consolidate and sum the data - but I was thinking something similar could ...