Asset to Active Directory User relationship
I would like to list all assets that have an Active Directory user associated with it.Please help!
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I would like to list all assets that have an Active Directory user associated with it.Please help!
Hi All, I'm looking for a report that can find the last successful windows update on Windows 10. In the past I have been able to this for Windows 7 by adding a registry key in Scanning Options > File & Registry Scanning (LM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Window...
We are currently in the process of removing all previous versions of MS Office except 2016. Is there a way to run a report that will show all assets with any prior versions of MS Office installed and have it show which prior versions are installed? S...
HiI have searched alot for a report which contains the Manufactor/First-Lastname/Office/Operatingsystem ( Win10 or Win7)Anyone have a nice report for sharing?
Hi,I have various Windows 10 Surface devices on my network, but would like to determine the version of installed Firmware and their Surface Dock's firmware.Any ideas where to start?Steven
Hello everyone, I am working on a help desk report. I have created a Ticket Custom field under Helpdesk settings - Ticket Content - Ticket Custom fields. The Name (label) is "Confidential", the Type is "Yes/No" box with Used "Yes".I would like for a ...
Hello - I am needing some assistance with adding information to a report. Assets: All columns from the Assets menuI need to add the message field and am unable to locate it. Message field ie; Offline of Firewalled, Access Denied and so on..Is t...
Hi,First I don't understand why this is not a default report.But I would like to have a report that shows the Windows 10 Version, Build and UBR number.Just like if you type RUN: winverAll information can be found in:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Micros...