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Patch Level and AV status report

Hi,Fairly new to LanSweeper, trying to get a report to show machines which are not up to date with MS patches and their AV status (AV software, installed/not installed, uptodate/not up to date).So started with this report

Argon0 by Champion Sweeper
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Add exceptions to disk size report

We're using the built-in less than 10% disk size report for our servers. The report is emailed out to our IT team daily.However, we have a few servers we don't want to show up on the report. Is there a way to add exceptions on the report?

lm0513 by Engaged Sweeper
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Users with direct access to servers report

Hi,I would like to create a report about all domain servers with all the user accounts (group members should be extracted) who can access the server directly.So mainly all servers in the domain with the members of Administrator and Remote Desktop Use...

fumarola by Engaged Sweeper
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Additional Field Request for exisiting report Last User:

I often get a request for various reports which contain details about the user.The above example Asset: Warranty Status, I need to known the "Last User:" for each asset reportedPlease could you provide a report or update the report to include this fi...

RDizzle by Engaged Sweeper II
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