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Forum Posts

Resolved! User and PC Names Report

I have the following report:Select Top 1000000 SubQuery.Username, SubQuery.Domain As Userdomain, SubQuery.LastLogon, tblAssets.AssetName, tblADusers.DisplaynameFrom tblCPlogoninfo Inner Join (Select Top 1000000 tblCPlogoninfo.Username, tblCPl...

Resolved! monitors connected to PCs on 2 subnets / 1 IP location

Hey guys,I know very very little about SQL.Could someone help me to get together a report which would give meall LCDs having an Asset relation "Connected To" to all computers in one of our IP Locations pls?BTW: 1) we have two subnets there 172.20.102...

jozin_cz by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Which tables for the Software License Compliance?

I am trying to create a report which will allow me to run a Software license report for different departments. The built-in reports works well for ALL of the license and associated software but I need to have a different report for each department. I...

jaysands by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Inventory help

Hello All,I am trying to get a server list from are network. I want the list to include Asset name, IP address, OS Type (Including Linux, RedHAT).. Can someone help me with this?Thanks...

gamero by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Inventory Ethernet MAC And Wireless MAC

I want to create an inventory report that shows:Comp Name: -- Model: -- Serial: -- Wireless MAC: -- Ethernet MAC:PC-01............NCS.......T001.......34:FE:22:54:23......00:11:22:33:44Right now everything is working except I can not dif...

coverthis by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Report Help - Equal to or less than

This report gives me all the computers with Flash player that is a certain version. How can I modify it so that it's a equal to or less than that version?Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetUnique, tblSoftwareUni.softwareName, tb...

sullivane by Champion Sweeper III
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Resolved! Server Uptime as a %

Ive seen a lot of report with the server uptime in Days but I am trying to create a report that uses the Uptime Calendar information to calculate a % value against a given period i.e. Calendar Month.Has anyone tried this and succeeded?

RobertMcD by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Create report from Server Log?

Is it possible to create a report based off of the log shown when clicking "Server Log" under "Scanning Setup"? I would like to have a report showing every IP that pings but has no open ports and while that log seems to have a list of them I can't ex...

tcooper by Engaged Sweeper III
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