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Resolved! Adjust out of warranty report

We purchase machines with 4 year warranties, but we stretch the machines to 7 years of active time. I am hoping there is an easy way to change the "Asset: out of warranty" report to make the warranty date 7 years from the initial warranty start date...

Resolved! Report of specific dynamique group with install date

Hi,I have created a dynamic group named "Snow Inventory" to see all Workstations with this spécific software installed, but when I launch the view, one 'important' information is missing. I need to have "installed date software" row So How I can do...

Resolved! User not in a custom group

Hello,I would like to find users that are not part of some Active Directory group and exclude some users from report.exemple: users that are not in AD "group1" and exclude administrators.Thank you.

laurentiun by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! Notebook query needed

Hello, I am looking for a SQL query that lists me the following:1. All active Notebooks in the Domain2. That do not have a WIFI Adapter installed.Is such a query possible?I Need to info so I can make a calculation of how much the wireless functionali...

nknippen by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Get customs fields to show in Dynamic Groups

I have changed Custom field 1 to be MS Project with a Yes/No check box. I have gone through and set the checkbox to Yes for all Assets that are allowed to have Project installed. I have then created a Dynamic group that shows me all assets that actua...

markharry by Engaged Sweeper III
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