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Resolved! Assets without McAfee

Hey all,i have the following question on how i can make a report that will give me all my assets that do not have "McAfee VirusScan Enterprise" installed.i can get it to work with showing the ones that have it installed but i want to see the ones tha...

joen0s by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Report for all assets

I'm trying to create a report that includes asset name, OS, IP, network mask, default gateway, DNS server(s), contact and location. I've gotten a report working with the code below, but it only includes Windows assets. I think it might be an inner ...

jipearce by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Laptop disk space

HelloThere's a built in report named "Disk: Workstations less than 1 GB free HD".This only works with desktops.How do I change that report so that it only shows drive C: and also includes Laptops?

max204 by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Report of newly added assets

I am testing LANSweeper right now to see if it fits our needs, but am having a bit of trouble with the SQL reports.I am trying to create a report that would let me know anytime a new asset is found during a scan.I tried to set the criteria of the tbl...

Resolved! Filter syntax versus criteria syntax in Report Builder

I'm working in Report Builder and was wondering when I run a report and I put %-% in a column filter I will get results. If I try and put the same thing in the criteria box for the same field while editing the report, it says 'This report has no res...

treichert by Engaged Sweeper
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Computer time zone setting

The report below lists your Windows computers' time zones. The report will only list assets that meet all of the following criteria:The asset is a Windows computer.The computer's state is set to "active".The computer has been successfully scanned at ...

Susan_A by Lansweeper Alumni
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Resolved! Monitor multiple computers program status

I work on a university where we have a lot of student computer rooms. I would like to be able to see if any computer does not have program X or if one program have the wrong version than the other.I think it should be possible to add computers to a "...

ifm by Champion Sweeper
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Resolved! Modify Report 'Disk: Servers less than 1 GB Free HD'

I would like to modify this report to check for server disks with less than 25 GB free. I tried to modify it myself and now just get a list of all servers, disks, free, and total size.I apparently have ZERO skill at modifying these reports and will ...

bsitech by Engaged Sweeper
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