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OS: Not latest Build of Windows 10 not working

Since about a week and a half ago, the OS: Not Latest Build of Windows 10 report has been broken on my network. The only result it gives is:Error: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Linux' to data type int.We have two CentOS machine...

jmm25 by Engaged Sweeper
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Cannot find right class

Hi there,I am currently in the process of creating an evaluation for our tickets. Unfortunately, I have a little problem with that. I can't find the right group for the type.I can only find the ID and not the full name.I mean this type here:here my p...

Fabio by Engaged Sweeper
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Need a little help here

I'm trying to create a software audit by Name and need to be able to get the Product Id and Product Key. I am trying to create a search for the Name of the software and get the Product key that corresponds with it. any help would be great.Select Top ...

Solftware Installed by member of AD Group

Hello, I need a report that tells me which users of a certain AD GROUP have installed or updated software on their computers in the last 15 days. I tried everything, I tried to combine reports and I can't make it work at all... can anyone help me? ...

Uptime Report duplicate powerstates

Hi lansweeper community,I've a little report problem I hope you can help me with.I want to create a report to get the uptime stats for some assets.For this I've created a report to get the eventtype changes together with the eventtime.The actual repo...

INNO-IT by Engaged Sweeper II
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AD group filter

I need a report that only shows computers in the AD group "Enrich Software Install"And I need columns for the first and last name of the last user that signed in.I also need a column for an asset tag.I've been at this for a solid hour and I'm not get...

Network Login

Is there a report that will give the below information?User IDComputerDateTimeSuccessful LoginDenied LoginLocked AccountLogged in locallyLogged in remotely

kgraham by Engaged Sweeper
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Duplicate User Accounts of Reporting CPlogoninfo Times

Hi,i use the following report to get the user name and logontime of assets.Select Top 1000000 tblassets.AssetID, tblassets.AssetName, tblCPlogoninfo.logontime, tblCPlogoninfo.UsernameFrom tblassets Inner Join lansweeperdb.dbo.tblCPlogoninfo On tb...

daigls by Engaged Sweeper III
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