Looking to make a report that gives me a total number of tickets by department (tblADusers).
I've been able to build something *sorta* like what I want. It groups the Departments together, and gives me a count of the tickets, but the count is super huge compared to what it should be.
Tickets Department
71505 teama
15890 teamb
7945 teamc
63560 teamd
3178 teame/teamz
28602 teamf
82628 teamg
92162 teamh
1589 teamaTeam
I cant seem to get the calculation as to why the numbers are so huge. Is it combining the ticket numbers all together? (ticket 178 and ticket 3000 for TeamE/TeamZ, combing for 3178?)
Here is my current report (please forgive me, I cant write a report to save my flippin life.)
Select Top 1000000 Count_Big(htblticket.ticketid) As Tickets,
From htblticket,
Group By tblADusers.Department