Daniel.B wrote:
This report will list all software installations on a reference computer called "Reference" (i.e. lab computer) in the example below. Next to each software a list of workstations will be displayed not having this software installed.
Select Top 1000000 tblSoftwareUni.softwareName,
From tblSoftware
Inner Join tblSoftwareUni On tblSoftware.softID = tblSoftwareUni.SoftID
Inner Join tblAssets On tblAssets.AssetID = tblSoftware.AssetID
Left Join (Select tblSoftwareUni.SoftID,
From tblSoftwareUni,
Inner Join tblComputersystem
On tblAssets.AssetID = tblComputersystem.AssetID
Where tblAssets.Assettype = -1 And tblComputersystem.Domainrole < 2 And
Not Exists(Select tblSoftware.softID,
tblSoftware.AssetID From tblSoftware
Where tblSoftware.softID = tblSoftwareUni.SoftID And tblSoftware.AssetID =
tblAssets.AssetID)) tNotInstalled On tNotInstalled.SoftID =
Where tblAssets.AssetName = 'Reference'
Order By tblSoftwareUni.softwareName,
Hey Daniel,
do you know of a way to reference 2 devices(computers) and compare softwares and stating the rule
that would enable automatic deployment of programs in question?/
We are now in a process of replacing 200 old computers with the new ones ,but each user wants to have softwares specific to their tasks pre installed on new computers.
As you can imagine it's a tedious task of comparing old and new comp and installing those software.
I am looking for a way to automate that to some level.
Any suggestions?