3a & 3b are simple enough to deal with.
Assuming you're LEFT JOINing tblFileVersions along the lines of
LEFT JOIN tblFileVersions ON tblFileVersions.AssetID=tblAssets.AssetID AND tblFileVersions.FilePathfull LIKE '%target.exe%'
to filter for only records containing "target.exe", the first couple of conditions you identify in point 3 should be straightforward enough.
(tblFileVersions.FilePathfull IS NULL) -- 3a. target.exe doesn't exist
OR (tblFileVersions.FilePathfull LIKE '%target.exe%' -- 3b. target.exe exists
AND (tblFileVersions.FileVersion IS NULL -- but version is NULL
OR tblFileVersions.FileVersion = '' -- or blank
OR () -- 3c. the messy bit
The file versions are text strings, not numbers. You can do a simple less/equal/greater comparison, but you'll be doing an ASCIIbetical comparison: a left-to-right text comparison, meaning that version "10" < version "2" because "1" < "2".
There have been discussions here before on how to deal with version numbers. Until someone proposes a better solution, I'm stuck with the idea of slicing-and-dicing the "number", and in a generic approach, zero-padding the decimal-separated pieces. Refer to
this thread.
If you're content doing an ASCIIbetical comparison, 3c is simple enough.
OR (tblFileVersions.FilePathfull LIKE '%target.exe%' -- 3c. target.exe exists
AND (tblFileVersions.FileVersion < '8.8.8') -- and version is less than what we want
Otherwise, consider the slice-and-dice route.
WHEN -- IF there is a decimal
CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion) > 0
THEN -- THEN return everything to the left of it
Left(tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)-1)
ELSE -- ELSE just return the version
END AS versionA,
WHEN -- IF there is a second decimal
CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1) > 0
THEN -- THEN return what's between the first and second decimals
CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1, -- next char after first decimal
CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1) -- second decimal position
- CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion) -- minus first decimal position
- 1 -- don't want the second decimal
WHEN -- ELSE if there's a first decimal
CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion) > 0
THEN -- THEN return everything to the right of the first (only) decimal
Len(tblFileVersions.FileVersion) - CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)
ELSE NULL -- ELSE return nothing
END AS versionB,
WHEN -- IF there is a second decimal AND a third decimal
CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1) > 0
AND CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1)+1) > 0
THEN -- THEN return what's between the second and third decimals
CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1) +1, -- next char after second decimal
CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1)+1) -- third decimal position
- CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1) -- minus second decimal position
- 1 -- don't want the third decimal
WHEN -- ELSE IF there is a second decimal AND no third decimal
CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1) > 0
AND CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1)+1) = 0
THEN -- THEN return everything to the right of the second decimal
Len(tblFileVersions.FileVersion) - CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1)
ELSE NULL -- ELSE return nothing
END AS versionC,
WHEN -- IF there is a second decimal AND a third decimal
CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1) > 0
AND CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1)+1) > 0
THEN -- THEN return everything to the right of the third decimal
Len(tblFileVersions.FileVersion) - CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion, CharIndex('.', tblFileVersions.FileVersion)+1)+1)
ELSE NULL -- ELSE return nothing
END AS versionD
tblFileVersions.FilePathfull LIKE '%target.exe%') AS FileVersion ON FileVersion.AssetID=tblAssets.AssetID
. . .
(FileVersion.FilePathfull IS NULL) -- 3a. target.exe doesn't exist
OR (FileVersion.FilePathfull LIKE '%target.exe%' -- 3b. target.exe exists
AND (FileVersion.FileVersion IS NULL -- but version is NULL
OR FileVersions.FileVersion = '' -- or blank
OR (FileVersion.FilePathfull LIKE '%target.exe%' -- 3c. target.exe exists
AND (FileVersion.FileVersion IS NOT NULL
AND FileVersion.FileVersion <> ''
AND Right('00000' + FileVersion.versionA, 5) + '.' -- pad out the pieces before comparing
+ Right('00000' + FileVersion.versionB, 5) + '.'
+ Right('00000' + FileVersion.versionC, 5) < '00008.00008.00008'
Hopefully that gets you in the ballpark.