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‎08-08-2022 06:13 PM
My report is now showing the users in the AD group I want:
Select Top 1000000 tblADusers.Username,
tblADGroups.Name As ADGroupName,
Case tblADGroups.GroupType
When -2147483646 Then 'Security - Global'
When -2147483644 Then 'Security - Local'
When -2147483643 Then 'Built-in'
When -2147483640 Then 'Security - Universal'
When 2 Then 'Distribution - Global'
When 4 Then 'Distribution - Local'
When 8 Then 'Distribution - Universal'
End As ADGroupType
From tblADusers
Left Join tblADMembership On tblADMembership.ChildAdObjectID =
Left Join tblADGroups On tblADMembership.ParentAdObjectID =
Where tblADGroups.Name = 'GR_EDD_GLO_SEC_RepoBitBucket'
Order By tblADusers.Username,
Now I need to add the "last computer" of those users in the report.
I think what I need is:
Am I right?
And the big question: How to I join this properly to the other tables through the GUI?
I would prefer to understand how to do it instead of asking you to just tell me the working report SQL code answer.
thx in advance!
‎09-01-2022 09:58 PM
‎08-15-2022 03:34 PM
If nobody wants to tell me how to do it I would now accept to get just the report solution. 😞
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