In my experience, when something switches to 'uplink' , it means there's a switch on the other side, or a router that it misreads as a switch... but generally it's a switch.
I have had five, six things on one port, and that tells me that there's a hub on that port...
and, if you see MAC addresses instead of assets you can click on, that means that you haven't successfully scanned the asset that's located on the port... in that case, I go to wireshark's OID lookup page (google it) and put in the MAC address and it tells you the manufacturer...
then, I track down SNMP credentials, use devicetester to make sure everything checks out.. and if the device doesn't support SNMP, I create a manual asset with it's current IP address, and the MAC address... and fill in the details. that way, at least if it moves around, you can track it.